Search Results

A photograph of an unidentified group gathered outdoors.  Man near door of the building is wearing a smock that says "J. W. Walker Co. Hardware."

169. Group of Workers

170. Unidentified Men's Group

171. Unidentified Group in Front of Building

A photograph of a group of children and what appears to be their instructor (center rear) outside the school building.

172. Class Portrait Outside of a West Virginia School

Possibly remodeling of Suspension Bridge Morgantown to Westover in 1908.

173. Bridge Builders

A photograph of an unidentified group of workers gathered outside, and on top of, a small building.

174. Unidentified Group of Construction Workers

175. Group of Workers in a Printing Facility

'Noah W. Pyles, Masontown, West Va.' written on back of photo.

176. Class Portrait at School in Masontown, Preston County, W. Va.

"Harry Rich" written on back of photo.

177. Group Portrait Outside a Home

A photograph of unidentified men and women seated on the deck of a ship.  The smoke stacks of a steam boat can be seen in the background.

178. Unidentified Passengers on a Ship

179. Unidentified Group in the Forest

A group of unidentified women gathered outside in front of a tree.

180. Unidentified Women