Search Results

Lumber crew poses with horses.  Near Diana, W. Va.

1. Log Skidding Crew

Men and horses at a lumber mill.

2. Portable Sawmill and Crew in Preston County

3. Sawmill Crew at a Lumber Yard in Preston County

Train track in the middle of forest in Nicholas County.  Man and dog standing beside the track.

4. Railroad Tracks Two Miles North of Curtin, W. Va. on the Cherry River, Nicholas County

5. Sawmill Crew Posing in Front of Pardee and Curtin Lumber Mill

6. Prize Steer

Group of people wait at the train station as a train comes in.

7. White Oak Railway Station at Scarbro, W. Va.

8. UMWA Supporters Including Van Bittner and Wife

Train engine hauling logs.  Workers standing on logs.  Maben Mill, Raleigh County. "Mrs. J.C. Prince"

9. Climax Engine No. 303 at Warden, W.Va.

C.H. Akers, engineer (front) with other unidentifed railroad men.

10. Logging in the Crow, Beaver, Blue Jay Region

11. Postmaster G.E. Bare and Wife in the Post Office, Alderson W. Va

12. Visitors on the Verand of the Bernard H. White House in Beckley, W. Va.