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Copy of a painting of Mary Wilson Johnson.

1. Mary Wilson Johnson

Copy of depiction of James Johnson. The caption states that Johnson's name while enslaved was "McGathic."

2. James Johnson

Portrait of Ida Johnson, daughter in-law of James Johnson.

3. Ida Johnson

A portrait of William Johnson, the son in-law of James Johnson.

4. William Johnson

The Levi Coffin House (1839) was a safe haven for Africans-American slaves fleeing the South in the 1800s.

5. Levi Coffin House

A postcard of Levi and Catherine Coffin, the builders of the Levi Coffin House.

6. Levi and Catherine Coffin

"This One's For You" was a musical produced and performed by the Afro-Appalachian Performance Company.

7. This One's For You playbill

"The Playhouse" at West Virginia State College.

8. The Playhouse

The statue of Carter G. Woodson was sponsored by the Carter G. Woodson Memorial Foundation and is maintained by the Huntington Housing Authority.

9. Statue of Carter G. Woodson

10. J. McHenry Jones

The Hazlewood Assembly Hall at West Virginia State College.

11. Hazlewood Assembly Hall

A group of speakers, including Ancella Bickley, at the NAACP-HFNHP convention.

12. Speakers at the NAACP-HFNHP convention