Search Results

Pendleton High School, 1902.  Teacher was R. A. Moore.

49. Class Photo Pendleton High School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Group portrait of students and flags at Franklin's First High School, opened in 1912.

50. First High School, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

51. Class Photo Onego School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'First Class in New Schoolhouse on the Hill, 1912-1913.  Professor Jesse H. Cook, Principal; Miss Susie Daugherty and Berlin Eye, teachers.'

52. Class Photo First Class in New Schoolhouse on the Hill, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Hinkle Home, dating from Revolutionary War days, Germany Valley.

53. Hinkle Home from the Revolutionary War Period, Pendleton County, W. Va.

54. Family Group in front of Add Waggonner House, Pendleton Couny, W. Va.

Man marked "x" to the left is D.M. Byrd on a Crowded Street in Pendleton County, W. Va.

55. D.M. Byrd on a Crowded Street in Pendleton County, W. Va.

George W. Hammer and Isaac Hammer at the cave in Harmon Hills, where their grandfather Jacob Harper was born in 1744, and where their sons mined salt peter which they sold at 50 cents per pound.

56. Hammer Family Members Pose at the Entrance to a Cave in Harman Hills, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Pictured in the front row, left to right; Preston Dickenson, John Dahmer, William Cecil Propst, Nellie Propst, Lucy Verona, Ella Varden Dahmer and Beula Evick.  Pictured in the back row, left to right: Wm. Lester Waggy, Ida Viola Eye, Elsie Evick, Raymond Guy Dickenson, Etta Margaret Evick, Ivan Hoe and Mary Hazel Dickenson.

57. Family and Friends at a Dickenson Mountain Gathering, Pendleton County, W. Va.

58. Crowd Celebrating 139th Anniversary of Pendleton County, W. Va.

View of three women and three children standing by mortar in which George Hammer III pounded corn and other grain for his stock.  Pictured left to right- Mary Ann, Mary Claw, Grace, Hannah, Phebe Lee.

59. Mortar Used by George Hammer III Located at Pendleton County, W. Va.