Search Results

Located on the Cherry River.

133. Lumber Mill, Curtin, Nicholas County, W. Va.

134. Winter Time in Webster Springs, W. Va.

135. Elevated View of Neighborhoods in Newburg, W. Va.

Applied French method on the miners cottages of the New River Collieries Co.

136. Asbestos Century Shingles; Gentry, W. Va.

137. Tygart Valley Glass Workers; Grafton, W. Va.

Man to the left is Simms Wicker's father. Other persons unidentified.

138. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Station, Hinton, W. Va.

Only identified persons are Jake Whanger, Sr. Willey (Betty Clinebell's grandfather pictured on the 2nd row, 5th man from the left), and Joe Briers.

139. Shop Track Crew, Hinton, W. Va.

On the back of the car is President Jim Stevens. The car inspector is Jim Doyle's father. The rest remain unidentified.

140. C&O Business Car No. 7 at Hinton Yards, Hinton, W. Va.

Front row, from left to right, is Edna Powers and Lula Cook. In the back is Mrs. Dunckle and Cynthia Shelton.

141. Women Outside of Mrs. Sharpe's Boarding House, Summers County, W. Va.

Starting on the far left is Luther Keaton, Braid Petrey, Matt Cook and Ross Farley. Pictured on the far right is L. W. "Lue" Petrey. The rest of the subjects are unidentified.The town of Narrows is named after the narrowing of New River, which runs through the town.

142. Workers Building Flood Control Dam near Narrows, Va. and Glen Lyn, Va.

Buckland, son of Richard Weatherhead, and his mule "Genny" are pictured.

143. John Shannon Buckland and Mule near Wiggins, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Large group of unidentified people, men in left car and women in the right car, pose in train cars while taking the railroad to Blackwater Falls for a picnic.

144. Picnic to Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.