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Sketch of train carrying soldiers through the mountains.

433. Pictorial Battles. General Augur's Brigade Passing Through Manassas Gap to Reinforce General Banks.

434. Pictorial Battles. Gen. Banks' Division Crossing the Potomac, Near Harper's Ferry. Sandy Hook in the Foregound.

Sketch of tents of the Twelfth Ohio Volunteers.

435. Winter Quarters of the Twelfth Ohio Volunteers, Near Charlestown, Virginia

Sketch of soldiers burying a casket as other soldiers watch.  Loudon Heights on the Right and Maryland Heights on the Left, in the Distance.

436. Soldiers' Graveyard at Bolivar Heights, Near Harper's Ferry

Sketch of soldiers gathered around a tent.

437. Front of a Sutler's Tent in Western Virginia

Sandy Hook in the foreground.

438. Pictorial Battles. Gen. Banks' Division Crossing the Potomac, Near Harper's Ferry. Sandy Hook in the Foregound.

Sketch of two cannons and soldiers.

439. Captain Wallace's Battery of the Fourth Ohio, Near Romney, West Virginia

Sketched by E. M. Bott.

440. Union Pickets at Hanging Rock Gap, Near Romney, on the South Branch of the Potomac

Sketch of the Fifth New York Cavalry in Martinsburg, Virginia.

441. Martinsburg, Virginia, With a Detachment of the Fifth New York Cavalry in the Foreground

The 31st Virginia Regiment, Confederate Army, included mostly soldiers from North-central Western Virginia (West Virginia).

442. Encampment of Artillery Unit Possibly in Thirty First Virginia Regiment During Civil War

Sketched fr. nature and drawn on stone.  Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1862 by J. Nep. Roesler in the Clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of Ohio.  Printed by Ehrgott, Forbriger, and Co., Cincinnatti, 1862.  Library of Congress Neg. No. LC- USZ62-17573.

443. Crossing Little Birch River to Bulltown, Va., now W. Va.

Members of Co. A., 12th W.Va. Infantry.  Standing:  Philip McCleary Pelley, *Wm. Magers, John Trenter*, George Gossett, *John C. Crow, C.C. Mathews, Mahlon Geurin, Abram Jones*, Wm. H. Dorsey*.  Seated on chairs:  Alex Connor, Absolem Crow, John G. Jones*, John Robert Talbert, James Logsdon, Daniel Morris.  Seated on floor:  Timothy B. Baker, Bill Stein, John W. Edwards*.  *= Decea.

444. Veterans of the12th W. Va. Volunteer Infantry