Search Results

'Science and University Halls.'  Now Chitwood and Woodburn Halls.

13. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall. The brick for the Martin Hall was burnt where the heating plant now stands. The building was built in 1870, at the same time the center part of the Old Experiment Station was built.'

14. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'Preparatory Building and Corner of University Hall.' Now Martin and Woodburn Hall.

15. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

16. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

17. Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

18. Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

19. Snow Covered Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'W. V. University Campus taken from Hill now occupied by Womens' Hall. Small building with little spikes on the corners, over the roof of Fife cottage was original Armory later converted into Experiment Station. Taken in late 80s.'

20. Woodburn Circle and Surrounding Area, West Virginia University

Information with the photograph,'(Cannon in front of Ex. Station) used for many years - fired at 6 AM to arouse students.'

21. Woodburn Circle With Cannon in Foreground, West Virginia University

'South view of Woodburn and Martin Hall'

22. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'Rear view of Martin Hall and side of Woodburn Hall before wings were added - taken between 1876 and 1899.'

23. Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

24. Woodburn Circle and Surrounding Area, West Virginia University