Search Results

Pictured are two Summers County residents who belong to the Morris family. First names unknown.

13. Relatives of J. D. Morris, Summers County, W. Va.

Relatives of J. D. Morris pictured. One holds a gun while the other holds up a liquor bottle. First names are unknown.

14. Morris Family Members, Summers County, W. Va.

Male members of J. D. Morris family gather around to play cards.

15. Morris Boys, Summers County, W. Va.

The two men pictured are members of the J. D. Morris family.

16. Men Stand Outside a Merry-Go-Round Carousel, Summers County, W. Va.

Portrait of Jeffereys. On the back of the photo is a graphic for Alex Foreman's Photographic Gallery.

17. Milcher Jeffereys, Grafton, W. Va.

Two unidentified men lean against a tree branch with their lunch pails in between them.

18. Two Men Taking Lunch Break likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

Anderson and his two associates pose with their rifles, showing off the dozens of rabbits brought back from a hunt.

19. W. E. Anderson and Associates after Hunting Excursion, near Charleston, W. Va.

An unidentified man leans against the vehicle with his arm rested in the open window. The name on the envelope that this photograph's negative is contained in is labeled "Muriel Lanham."

20. Man with Ambulance, Charleston, W. Va.

Sparks and an associate are dressed in military uniforms.

21. Dayton Sparks and Associate in Uniform