Search Results

Long pictured typing on a type writer. In the background, an unidentified man is speaking on the telephone.

13. Roy Long at Work in HX Telegraph Office, Summers County, W. Va.

Dennis, standing, and Frances, sitting, are pictured outside on a lawn in front of a white picket fence.

14. Dennis & Frances Lahey, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Lahey poses holding a shovel beside the fenced pile of coal.

15. Mrs. Lahey Beside Coal Ben, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Loomis pictured outside a home.

16. Mrs. William Loomis, Hinton, W. Va.

Portrait of a young Lemon.

17. Junior Lemon of True, W. Va.

Lemon, a World War I soldier, is pictured in front of a photo studio background.

18. John Tallon Lemon of Summers County, W. Va.