Search Results

C. & O. cars line along the tracks that run through the coal town.

25. Chesapeake and Ohio Train Carrying Coal from McDonald Colliery Company in McDonald, W. Va.

Mill building and equipment pictured. To the right is the water wheel.

26. Water Powered Grist Mill, Griffith Creek, W. Va.

An unidentified man stands in front of the partially frozen water wheel beside the mill building.

27. Thornton Grist Mill, Jumping Branch, W. Va.

The family, who's members are unidentified, sit outside of their home and on the lawn.

28. Richmond Family Portrait, Hinton, W. Va.

Older woman with glasses on far left is Emma Meador. The others are unidentified.

29. Boating near Bull Falls on New River, Summers County, W. Va.

An unidentified man pulls the boat's oars across the water.

30. Rowing a Boat Across New River, Summers County, W. Va.

Front row, from left to right, is Kendal Noel (first wife of Henry Senior); Henry Noel Senior; unidentified; Anna Noel (Married to Emmit Henry's second son); and unidentified. Thr group is gathered around a horse-drawn wagon.

31. Noel Family at Morris Hill, Allegheny County, Va.

From left to right is Maudie Noel (kneeling); Minnie Noel (kneeling); Harvey Noel; Clyde Noel; Emmitt Noel; Henry A. Noel Senior; Bob Noel; Clarence Noel; and Lawrence Noel.

32. Noel Family Portrait at Morris Hill, Allegheny County, Va.

From left to right is Minnie Noel; Lawrence Noel; Forest Noel; an unidentified Noel; Clarence Noel; Bob Noel; Harvey Noel; Clyde Noel; and Emmitt Noel.

33. Noel Family Gathered at Morris Hill, Allegheny County, Va.

Noel pictured on her back in the yard.

34. Minnie Noel Outside of Smoke House and Noel Home, Moris Hill, Allegheny County, Va.

Two unidentified men pose as one pours a drink into the others cup.

35. Men at Brooks Mountain, Summers County, W. Va.

Portrait of Jesse Campbell, brother of Lacy Campbell.

36. Jesse Campbell, Forest Hill District, W. Va.