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The Battle of Biak was a battle that took place during World War II in Biak, New Guinea from May 27 1944 to August 17 1944. It is famous for being the first time the Japanese allowed uncontested landings of U.S. troops so that they would run into a trap they had prepared inland. The capture of the island cost the U.S. 474 deaths and 2,428 injuries. The Japanese fought until the very end losing 6,100 men to death. The Japanese soldiers would use these caves as fortification and they would be stockpiled with enough ammunition, food, and water to last for months.

193. U.S. Army Troops Enter Cave; Biak, New Guinea

The Battle of Biak was a battle that took place during World War II in Biak, New Guinea from May 27 1944 to August 17 1944. It is famous for being the first time the Japanese allowed uncontested landings of U.S. troops so that they would run into a trap they had prepared inland. The capture of the island cost the U.S. 474 deaths and 2,428 injuries. The Japanese fought until the very end losing 6,100 men to death. The Japanese soldiers would use these caves as fortification and they would be stockpiled with enough ammunition, food, and water to last for months.

194. U.S. Soldier Enters Cave; Biak, New Guinea

195. Japanese Medics Surrendering to U.S. Troops in the Pacific

Man kissing woman on VJ Day.  The bottle in his hand indicated celebration.

196. Man Kissing Woman, San Francisco, Ca.

A man stands on a sign up a pole with a fire siren in his hand.

197. Celebrating Victory Over Japan During World War II, San Francisco, Ca.

People posing on pillar, celebrating the surrender of Japan during World War II.

198. Celebrating V-J Day, San Francisco, Ca.

Center: US Army General Jonathan M. Wainwright, Commander of Allied Forces in the Philippines at the time of their surrender to Japan in 1942.  Wainwright was a POW, held by the Japanese until his liberation in August 1945.

199. United States Army General Jonathan M. Wainwright, San Francisco, Ca.

Two boys sit on under a post while celebrating Japan's surrender to the Allied Forces during World War II.

200. Victory Over Japan Day Celebration San Francisco, Ca.

Civilians and Sailors perched the top of a trolley in San Francisco enjoying the celebration of Japan's surrender during World War II.

201. People on Trolley During V-J Day Celebration, San Francisco, Ca.

Cook, a World War II soldier, is pictured in uniform.

202. Portrait of George W. Cook of Summers County, W. Va.

Jones pictured in uniform.

203. Portrait of WWII Soldier Ralph Jones of Summers County, W. Va.

Martin pictured in military uniform.

204. Portrait of Granville Martin of Summers County, W. Va.