Search Results

This building later housed Mountain Laurel Orthodontics and Mills Group, LLC.

2413. Corner of Clay and Wharf Streets, Morgantown, W. Va.

George R. Latham, from near Haymarket, Virginia, served in the Union Army during the Civil War as colonel of the 6th West Virginia Cavalry Regiment. He was brevetted Brigadier General in 1865.

2414. Brigadier General George R. Latham

This view of Elizabeth Station, now the county seat of Wirt County, W. Va., shows several men on the porch of the Adams Express Company depot on the Little Kanawha Railroad. Two of the men are labeled as J. Parsons and R. Springston.

2415. Elizabeth Station, W. Va.

A group of men at the Kanawha Valley Fishing Club. Two of the men are identified as Parsons and Springston.

2416. Kanawha Valley Fishing Club, Wirt County, W. Va.

Two men are standing by the tracks of the Little Kanawha Railroad, which follows the Little Kanawha River through Wirt and Wood Counties.

2417. Big Ripple on the Little Kanawha River, Wirt County, W. Va.

A crowd of people, including children, pose on a railroad track by a lumber yard. Some are sitting on an engine, and others are on a horse-powered pulley system.

2418. Lumber Yard Near a Railroad Track

A group of men pause in their work to be photographed. Some of them are hand carrying a beam using yoke-like tools. Note the young boy in front of the men carrying the beam.

2419. Small Lumber Yard Alongside a River

The workers and caboose belong to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company.

2420. Railroad Workers in front of a Caboose

Pearl Buck is reads to children at Welcome House, the adoption agency for Asian-American children she founded in 1949.

2421. Pearl Buck Reading to Children

Pearl Buck is pictured working in her study at her farm in Perkasie, P. A.

2422. Pearl Buck In Her Study

2423. Pearl S. Buck at her Home in Danby, V. T.

2424. Elizabeth Laylon