Search Results

'Judge W. H. Hagen: Member of first City council one of organizers of Bank of Huntington and the First Huntington National Bank.'

85. Judge W. H. Hagen, Huntington, W. Va.

86. Portrait of J. W. Hartigan

87. Portrait of Troy E. Hardman, Elkins, W. Va.

Signed portrait of Granville Davisson Hall who participated in the formation of the state of West Virginia and authored, "The Rending of Virginia".

88. Portrait of Granville Davisson Hall of Harrison County, W. Va.

Three sisters, posing in a garden, all became teachers.

89. Margaret, Gertrude and Calora Hardway, Lost Creek, W. Va.

Capt. George Haldeman of Haldeman Elder Trans-Atlantic Flight.He was a pioneering aviator who barnstormed and set flight records. In 1921 he made one of the first trans-continental flights from Florida to California.

90. Captain George Haldeman of Oak Hill, W. Va.

91. Sallie Little Holmes

He preached the first Mother's Day Methodist Sermon in Andrews Methodist Church. He chose as his text John 19 chapter, 26-27 verses. "Woman, behold thy son, and to the Disciple, behold thy Mother."

92. Rev. Harry C. Howard, Grafton, W. Va.

93. Troy Hatfield

94. Portrait of R. G. Hammett

95. Drusilla Rutherford Hinds in a Rose Garden

A Methodist minister and son of Presley Hiett.

96. Reverend James Hiett of Parkersburg, W. Va.