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Portrait of May Haldeman

109. May Haldeman

Siss Hunter was the wife of John Hunter of Wheeling, West Virginia. Hunter made the brick for Martin Hall, the first West Virginia University building.

110. Siss Hunter of Wheeling, W. Va.

Hagans served in many state and local government positions including Mayor of Morgantown, Judge in Second Judicial Circuit Court, United States Congressman for West Virginia, West Virginia State House of Delegates and Delegate to the 1872 West Virginia State Constitutional Convention. He was the son of Harrison Hagans, a Preston County delegate to the 1861 Wheeling Convention and he was also Waitman Willey's son-in-law.

111. John Marshall Hagans of Morgantown, W. Va.

Niece of Max and Anna Mathers and cousin of Margaret Mathers. The doll Emma is posing with is Christmas gift from Margaret and her family.

112. Emma Hoffman and Christmas Doll

N. N. Hoffman partnered with Henry M. Morgan in the publishing of The Morgantown Post, ca. 1865-1888.

113. N. N. Hoffman and Wife of Morgantown, W. Va.

Lewis Hayes was the owner and manager of the Washington Hotel in Morgantown in the 1860s. In 1869 the building became the residence of Alexander Martin, the first president of West Virginia University.

114. Lewis Hayes of Morgantown, W. Va.

Wife of West Virginia Governor Henry Drury Hatfield (1913-1917).

115. First Lady of West Virginia, South Carolina 'Carrie' Bronson Hatfield

Wife of West Virginia Governor Homer Adams Holt (1937-1941).

116. First Lady of West Virginia, Isabelle Wood Holt

Hayes, show in here in dress uniform, was a 1891 graduate of West Virginia University. The print is a cabinet card portrait.

117. Ulysses S. Grant Hayes, Morgantown, W. Va.

Eugene Holland in his U. S. Navy uniform. Information on p. 143 in "Our Monongalia" by Connie Park Rice. Information with the photograph includes "Courtesy of Ivry Moore Williams".

118. Eugene Holland, United States Navy from Morgantown, W. Va.

Photograph taken before her marriage to Gene Ford. Ada was a West Virginia state leader in the Women's Suffrage Movement to ratify the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution giving the women the right to vote. Mrs. Ford was also president and founder of the Women's Suffrage League in Taylor County.

119. Portrait of Ada Enid Haldeman of Taylor County, W. Va.

Photograph taken at Ada' s "Old home", before her marriage to Gene Ford. Ada was a West Virginia state leader in the Women's Suffrage Movement to ratify the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, giving the women the right to vote. Mrs. Ford was also president and founder of the Women's Suffrage League in Taylor County.

120. Ada Enid Haldeman With Friend, Taylor County, W. Va.