Search Results

A group of dairymen meet together during the exhibit.

37. Dairymen Meeting at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

The royal court is pictured on a lawn stage. Subjects unidentified.

38. Health King, Queen, and Court at Older 4-H Camp in Harrison County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified boys participate in kitchen activities.

39. Boys in Kitchen at Harrison County 4-H Camp, Harrison County, W. Va.

A group of women listen as an instructor demonstrates how to properly change a light bulb. Subjects unidentified.

40. Home Economics Demonstration in the Rural Electrification Building, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

A group of women pose outside of the building. Subjects unidentified.

41. Home Economics Group at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

Women observe as a woman demonstrates how to remove a stain from a cloth mat. Subjects unidentified.

42. Home Economics Demonstration, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Two speakers address members of the Rural Youth of USA. Subjects unidentified.

43. Rural Youth of USA Meeting, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

A group of boys and girls sit in the shade. Subjects unidentified.

44. Rural Youth of USA Members Sitting Beneath Tree, Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of young boys and girls watch as a man demonstrates how to work with leather. Subjects unidentified.

45. Rural Youth of USA Leathercraft Demonstration, Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

The girls pose together for a group photo. Subjects unidentified.

46. Girls' Camp at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.