Search Results

Lumber mill in operation.

25. Lumber Mill, View of Operations

Crew workers standing with a train engine.

26. Shay No. 7 and Crew Near Lumber Mill

Three crew members at the log slide at the lumber mill.

27. Logs at Lumber Mill

28. Sawmill Crew

Gen. no. 9, neg. by W, No. 4. Saturday. Plate B.

29. Girl at a Steam Saw Mill

Men, children and animals working at George Liston Mill.

30. George Liston Mill

'Looking in almost the opposite direction of No 80. On the extreme left about 30 feet beyond the bridge stands the old flour mill. The door, like that of all the mills we saw is out in two in the middle so that the upper half can be opened while the lower is shut. Leaning on a stand the extortionate miller himself and his brother just at their left is where Walter placed his camera for No 78 pointing it toward the little building on the left (a sort of shop). On the right is the sawmill. Picture taken just as we were ready to harness. 81.D(50); July 28, Mon. 8 am'

31. Camp at Extortionate Miller

A photograph of an unidentified mill along a stream with a home in the background.

32. Unidentified Mill

Photo includes a information sheet that reads 'Taken from under the shed on the extreme right. The long logs are used as ways over in which to roll logs to the saw. At the flume which comes towards us on the right .We washed the dishes. We took our meals on the logs where the bucket is near the horses. Under the shed we spend the day writing journals and letters back home. On the pole are the harnesses covered with the poncho to keep them dry. It rained in torrents the first night we were there and in the midst the horses got scared. They were way off by a fence on the left(that is were, after Fan had been received from the mire hole in which I had fastened her).In the morning we changed them to the horse station of the picture, fastened to an old rig.'  80.D.(49) on back of the photo.

33. Camp at Old Mill

34. View of Logging Mill

35. View of Logging Operation

36. View of a Logging Operation