Search Results

'Delma Law, Good Hope, and her Jersey Calf, presented by the Clarksburg Kiwanis Club.'

13. Delma Law and her Jersey Calf, 4-H Camp, Harrison County, W. Va.

'Champion 4-H Jersey, West Virginia Dairy Cattle Show owned by Mary Lois Hannah, Wallace, R-2.'

14. Mary Lois Hannah and Her Champion Jersey, 4-H, Harrison County, W. Va.

'Anna Wetzel and Delores Hurst demonstrate vegetable gardening. Other project training was given through project classes at camp, movies and slides shown in club meetings, judging activities and demonstrations by the members.  Simple demonstrations were a part of most club programs.'

15. 4-H Vegetable Canning Demonstration, Harrison County, W. Va.

16. Group in front of Harrison County 4-H Exhibit

Likely pictured is 'Dorothy Lanham, Marshville,' who 'placed first in the Dairy Foods Demonstration contest.  The 2 teams entered both received red ribbons.'  See original for more information on Harrison County 4-H Contest for 1949.

17. 4-H Girl with Cottage Cheese Exhibit, Harrison County, W. Va.

18. 4-H Instructors and Leaders at County Camp, Harrison County, W. Va.

19. 4-H Campers, Harrison County, W. Va.

20. Harrison County 4-H Campers

21. Harrison County 4-H Camp Orchestra

22. Harrison County 4-H Women's Camp Group

A group of boys and girls are dressed in costume. Subjects unidentified.

23. Harrison County Pageant Group

The girls camp poses outside of a building for a group photo. Subjects unidentified.

24. Harrison County 4-H Campers, Harrison County, W. Va.