Search Results

This photo was taken during the Flood of 1907.

49. Imperial Glass Company Flooded in Bellaire, OH.

50. View of Bellaire Ohio from Across the River

51. View of Bellaire Ohio from Across the River

This store was located on 32nd Street in Bellaire, Ohio.

52. Bellaire Candy Company in Bellaire, O.H.

53. View of Bellaire, OH.

54. Rail Road Depot

55. View of Bellaire, OH.

56. Family in a Horse and Buggy

57. Men Building a Bridge in Bellaire, OH.

58. View From on Top of a Hill of Bellaire, OH.

59. Construction Site in Bellaire, OH.

The truck in front of the Dentist office says 'Sutton Express Truck No. 1'.

60. Delivery Truck in front of Businesses in Bellaire, OH.