Search Results

Men standing outside of the Fire Creek Mine Store.

13. Fire Creek Coal and Coke Company Store

Scenic view of river and mountains from the head house at Fire Creek.

14. Scenic View from Fire Creek Head House

Men standing next to the main line locomotive at Fire Creek.

15. Main Line Locomotive at Fire Creek

View accross the river of houses in the Fire Creek community.

16. Fire Creek Community

Top community at Concho, W. Va. The coal mine is on top of the mountain.

17. Thurmond Coal Coal Camp

Bottom camp at Erskine, Thurmond Coal Company

18. Bottom Camp at Erskine, Thurmond Coal Company

Men standing on top of the coke ovens at Caperton, W. Va.

19. Coke Ovens, New River Coal Company, Caperton, W. Va.

Mine store of the New River Coal Co. at Caperton, W. Va. Gen. Caperton is on the far left on the porch.

20. Company Store in Caperton, W. Va.

New River Coal Co. camp and side track at Caperton, W. Va.

21. Camp and Side Track, New River Coal Company at Caperton, W. Va.

Houses and railroad going up mountain at Caperton, W. Va.

22. New River Coal Company Mine and Miner's Houses

View of the river, railroad, and houses at Caperton, W. Va.<br />

23. River View South of Caperton, W. Va.

View of Caperton, W. Va.

24. Community of Caperton, New River Coal Company