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Two presidents and their host meet to discuss the joint meeting of the Philosophy Section of the Ohio College Association and the West Virginia Philosophy Society held on the Ohio University campus during the weekend. They are, left to right, Virgil Hinshaw Jr., of Ohio State University, president of the Ohio group; Dr, Troy Organ of OU`s philosophy department, and William S. Minor of West Virginia University, president of the West Virginia society. Nearly 100 faculty and students from 20 colleges and universities attended the reading of papers and discussions during the two-day meet.

49. William S. Minor with Other Philosophy Instructors, West Virginia University

50. Joe Moss, West Virginia University

51. WVU Football Coach McIntire

A portrait of Joe Moss working with a piece of equipment.

52. Joe Moss, West Virginia University

Mason served on the West Virginia Supreme Court for several terms, was one of the first members of the West Virginia University faculty in 1867 and was also a Union soldier during the Civil War with the rank of sergeant in Battery F, First West Virginia Artillery.

53. John W. Mason of Morgantown, W. Va.