Search Results

'Gauley Mount, home of Colonel C. Q. Tompkins. A few years before the war Colonel C. Q. Tompkins, a West Point engineer, came to Paint Creek to open mines. Two miles from Gauley Bridge, on a picturesque point, he built a summer home and brought his family from Richmond. Colonel Tompkins was active in the Confederate cause in the early days. The family continued to reside at Gauley Mount for a long time after Union forces were in possession of the country and it was a pleasant place for General Cox and other officers to visit. The Tompkins family was finally sent through the lines to Richmond. The fine mansion was carelessly allowed to burn by Union soldiers quartered in it.'

1. Gauley Mount, Home of Colonel C. Q. Tompkins, Fayette County, W. Va.

Drawing of Gauley Mount, home of Colonel Tompkins, and military encampments on the farmlands nearby.

2. Gauley Mount, Home of Colonel C. Q. Tompkins, Fayette County, W. Va.

3. Drawing of Gauley Mount, Home of Colonel C. Q. Tompkins, Fayette County, W. Va.

'From here you can see Gauley.  To right is a cellar cavity.  Start at contractor's shack, about three miles from Gauley, follow path through woods.'

4. Ruins of the Tompkins House, Fayette County, W. Va.