Search Results

The photo was published on the Inquirer on Feb. 21, 1937.

1. Home of Pearl S. Buck, Doylestown, Pa.

Pearl S. Buck walking across the lawn at her home in Doylestown, Pa.

2. Pearl S. Buck at her Home in Doylestown, Pa.

Pearl S. Buck, Richard Walsh, and adopted twin boys, probably at Buck's home in Doylestown, Pa.

3. Pearl S. Buck and Richard Walsh with Twin Boys

4. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

5. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

6. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

Boy standing in front of house on winter day.

7. Adopted Children at Pearl Buck's Home

8. Children Preparing to Shovel Snow In Front of House

9. Children Shoveling Pathway Through Snow

10. Pearl S. Buck at her Home in Danby, V. T.