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'100th Anniversary seal, designed by Ben Freedman of the WVU Art Department.'

25. Centennial Seal, West Virginia University

At the WVU's 100th Anniversary Birthday dinner, from left to right: Mrs. Thomas White, Governor Smith, and Mr. Thomas White are seated at the head table.

26. Centennial Dinner, West Virginia University

Left to right: Don Bond, Jas. Harlow, and Harry B. Heflin.

27. West Virginia University President James G. Harlow, Don Bond, and Harry B. Heflin at Centennial Celebration

'WVU Birthday Dinner of Feb. 13, 1967, from left to right: Governor Smith; Thomas White, president of WVU Alumni Association; Dr. Harry B. Heflin, acting WVU president; and Jack Canfield, aide to Governor Smith.'

28. Speakers at Centennial Dinner, West Virginia University

'Part of head table at Feb. 13, WVU Birthday Dinner.  From left to right: those identifiable include: Elvis Stahr, president of Indiana University and former WVU President; Dave Jacobs, executive secretary of WVU Alumni Association; Congressman Arch Moore; Mrs. Thomas White, Governor Hulett Smith; Thomas White, president of the Alumni Association; Dr. Harry B. Heflin, Acting WVU president; Jack Canfield, aide to Governor Smith; and Irvin Stewart, past president of WVU.'

29. Centennial Dinner, West Virginia University

'Famed Kentucky author Jesse Stuart (second from right) chats with WVU professors John Caruso, prof. of history and chairman of the symposium planning committee (left); J.P. Brawner, prof. of English (second from left); and Ruel Foster, prof. and chairman of English (right) at the Feb. 22-24, 1967 'Lessons of History,' symposium.'

30. Writer Jesse Stuart at Lessons of History Symposium, West Virginia University

'A scene from the Sept. 12, 1967 seminar, 'The State University,' shows, from left to right: Ruel Foster, WVU prof. and chairman of English and chairman of the seminar planning committee; Allan Ostar, executive director of the Association of State Colleges and Universities; Russell Thackrey, Russell, executive director of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges; David White, WVU director of Forestry and Prof. of Forestry Economics; Clark Sleeth, WVU Dean of Medicine; and Fred Harrington, President of the University of Wisconsin.

31. Participants in Seminar on 'The State University,' at West Virginia University

'Famous Kentucky writer Jesse Stuart (left) chats with WVU prof. Ruel Foster (Center) and planning committee chairman John Caruso (right) at 'Lessons of History' symposium Feb. 23, 1967.'

32. Writer Jesse Stuart and Others at Lessons of History Symposium, West Virginia University

'Chancellor of Vanderbilt University Alexander Heard (second from left) is shown chatting with seminar committee chairman J. Clifford Stickney, WVU prof. of Physiology and Biophysics (left); Robert Stilwell, WVU prof. of German and chairman of Foreign Languages (center); Ruel Foster, WVU prof. and chairman of English (second from right); and George Nocito, WVU prof. and chairman of Art.  Stilwell, Foster and Nocito served as panelists a the Nov. 28, 1967 seminar on the Future of Undergraduate Education at WVU.'

33. Alexander Heard Speaks at Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University

'Read Adm. James W. Kelly, chief of Naval Chaplains (left), shakes hands with Rev. Joe Gluck, WVU director of Student Affairs at "Man and His Religions" Symposium Jan. 7-9, 1968.'

34. Rear Admiral James W. Kelly at West Virginia University

'President of Chatham College Edward Eddy speaks at Mar. 23-27, 1967 international meeting of the Association of Women Students held at WVU during the 100th Anniversary Year.'

35. Edward Eddy Speaks at International Meeting of the Association of Women Students, West Virginia University

'Scene from the style show at the international meeting of the Association of Women Students, held Mar. 23-27, 1967 during the 100th Anniversary Observance.'

36. Fashion Show at International Meeting of the Association of Women Students, West Virginia University