Search Results

'Michael Nuce. One of Monongalia county's oldest and most picturesque residents, Michael (Uncle Mike) Nuce, 90, died on Saturday morning in his home near Rock Forge. His death was caused by complications following a dislocated hip and other injuries suffered in a fall late last summer. The funeral will be conducted in Davidson's chapel at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be in East Oak Grove cemetery. The widely-known nonagenarian spent his lifetime and died on the farm where he was born. His parents were Michael and Susan Homer Nuce. He lived to see all his immediate relatives pass on except one brother, Abraham, 93, who lives on the old Kingwood Pike. A number of nieces and nephews also survive. Included is Mrs. Horace G. Flanagan, who lived at the Nuce Homestead. Nuce was looked upon by his neighbors and friends as a shrewd, but unerringly fair dealer. Many of his activities had become almost legendary with his associates.'

25. Abraham, George, Michael Nuce of Monongalia County, W. Va

Track foreman of the Laurel Fork and Sand Hill R.R. Drove first spike in road and pulled the last one in 1898.

26. John Noon

Secretary of Board of Governors, Vice President, and Comptroller at West Virginia University.

27. Charles Thompson Neff

28. Matthew Neely

29. M. M. Neely

30. Gov. M. M. Neely

31. Charles Thompson Neff

32. George I. Neal

'The above picture of A. D. Neill who operated at May, W. Va., and Clover Lick, W. Va. as related in our story of the companies of Gilfillan, Neill & Co., and A. D. Neill and Son Company.'

33. A. D. Neill

'The above is a picture of Dr. Alfred G. Neill of Portage, Pennsylvania, a son of the late A. D. Neill who operated at May and Clover Lick, W. Va.'

34. Dr. Alfred G. Neill

35. Portrait of Raymond B. Nutter, W. Va.

Wife of West Virginia Governor Matthew Neely (1941-1945).

36. First Lady of West Virginia, Alberta C. Ramage Neely