Search Results

Six year old dressed in the fashion of the day for children.

49. Layne Haldeman Ford on 6th Birthday, Grafton, W. Va.

Layne Ford, son of Gene and Ada H. Ford wearing army dress uniform. The photograph was taken while he was on leave for the holidays during World War II.

50. Layne Haldeman Ford of Grafton , W. Va.

Minister to France under James Buchanan in 1860 and arrested by Federal authorities for treason in August 1861 while negotiating arm sales with France for the Confederacy. He was exchanged six months later and subsequently serve on Stonewall Jackson's staff during the Civil War. After the war Faulkner was elected to the United States Congress, representating the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, 1875-1877 and served on West Virginia University's Board of Regents.

51. Charles James Faulkner of Martinsburg, W. Va.

Granddaughter of Ida Knapp Helmick. Other information with photograph includes, "Your niece Marie Fansler".

52. Portrait of Marie Fansler, Tucker County, W. Va.

Marie Fansler with her chicken sitting on her shoulder.

53. Marie Fansler and Pet Chicken, Tucker County, W. Va.

Information with the Photograph: "First Row L to R: Dallas Kight, Albert Kight, Ethel Kight Stump (baby), Gertrude Francis Kight, Ollie Kight Yoak (baby), Tommy Albert Francis, Henry Kight, Emma Hall Francis; Second Row: Joseph Lee Francis, Hattie Francis Ferrell, Orville Kight, Rilla Francis Harris, Jerome Francis, Annie Francis Trippett, Hagan Tommy Francis

54. Tommy Albert and Emma Hall Francis Family, Calhoun County, W. Va.

The Millers were kin to the Faulkner family. Photo only labeled "Faulkner" but is probably the father of John Faulkner.

55. Father of John Faulkner

Foley poses outside on a snow covered road wearing an uniform.

56. Frank Foley, Core, W. Va.

57. Thomas Forbes with Band Instruments

58. Grandmother Sarah Ellen Finnicum

Portrait of a prominent Hinton school teacher.

59. Pauline "Curly" Watsos Perry Fife, Hinton, W. Va.

Grandfather to Elvera Fox Porterfield. Husband to Virginia Martin Fox.

60. Portrait of David Fox