Search Results

'Early Days'

25. B. W. Foster

26. Lowell B. Fisher, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

27. Seseen Francis

28. George B. Foster

29. Portrait of Domenick Furfari

He was the bookkeeper and stenographer.

30. Charles W. Feeney on New Railroad Grade, Montes, W. Va.

31. A. B. Fleming

Sketch of Charles J. Faulkner, delegate to the 1872 West Virginia Constitutional Convention. Faulkner was arrested in 1861 by the Federal authorities, while returning from France. He was in France negotiating the sale of arms to the Confederate government. Later Faulkner served on Stonewall Jackson's staff.

32. Charles J. Faulkner of Berkeley County, W. Va.

Sketch of William Flick who served as a delegate for Pendleton County in the West Virginia State Legislature, 1868-1870. He was appointed United States District Attorney for West Virginia by President Arthur in 1882.

33. William H. H. Flick

34. Wedding Photo of Richard R. Fredlund and Jean Marie Johnson Fredlund

Cabinet card portrait of elderly Ann Elizabeth Fisher.

35. Ann Elizabeth Fisher

Wife of West Virginia Governor Aretas B. Fleming (1890-1893).

36. First Lady of West Virginia, Carrie M. Watson Fleming from Fairmont, W. Va.