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N. J. Giddings was a bacteriologist at the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.

1. N. J. Giddings Spraying Plants in the Greenhouse, Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

2. Attending to Flowers in the Greenhouse, West Virginia University

3. Greenhouses, Agricultural School, West Virginia University

View of two men working in greenhouse.

4. Preparing Ground for Planting in a Greenhouse, West Virginia University

View of two men working on Plant Pathology Greenhouse.  Old stadium bridge pictured in background.

5. Plant Pathology Greenhouse during Construction, West Virginia University

6. Greenhouse Lettuce, West Virginia University

View of man standing in greenhouse.

7. Interior of Greenhouse, West Virginia University

8. Greenhouse Employee with Tomato Plants, West Virginia University

9. Interior of Greenhouse, West Virginia University

Chicken house was an experiment in passive solar technology on the WVU Poultry Farm.  Smith was born in 1900, got his BSA from WVU in 1920 or 1921. He married the daughter of Professor Edgar L. Andrews (Professor of Poultry Science).  Right after graduation he became the superintendent of the Poultry Farm then behind the Mileground Medical Center.  The farm on Chestnut Ridge Road was built in 1944.  He retired from there in 1965.

10. Howard C. Smith, Poultry Farm Superintendent, at Experimental Chicken House, West Virginia University

11. Experimental Solar Chicken House on the Poultry Farm, West Virginia University

A view of Greenhouse (from Agricultural College. 'Farm & Farm Bldg. Collection')

12. Greenhouse, West Virginia University