Search Results

Mr. McDowell, first from left, and the Miners Rescue team at Thomas, W. Va.

97. Mine Rescue Team at Thomas, W. Va.

Miners examine coal on conveyor belt.

98. Screening Coal, Thomas, W. Va.

Miners ride out of the mine in Boswell safety cars.

99. Boswell Safety Car, Thomas, W. Va.

Miners operating mining equipment at Thomas, W. Va. mine.

100. Mining Equipment at Thomas, W. Va.

101. Mine No. 36 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.

102. Coal Tipple at Thomas, W. Va.

103. Mine No. 36 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.

104. Tipple at Thomas, W. Va.

105. No. 38 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.

106. Mine No. 36 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.

107. Mine No. 36 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.

108. Mine No. 36 Tipple, Thomas, W. Va.