Search Results

Unidentified people are lined up against the building, which is covered in American flags, located on the corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street.

1. Rose's Drug Store Participating in World War I Victory Celebration, Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the building entrance located on the corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street.

2. Rose's Drug Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the store's entrance located on 3rd Avenue.

3. John Doyle's Market, HInton, W. Va.

View of the store's entrance located beside Doyle's Market of 3rd Avenue.

4. Fort Pitt Shoe Store, Hinton, W. Va.

View of the store's entrance located on 3rd Avenue.

5. Ball's Sporting Goods Center, Hinton, W. Va.

Moorman Parker, right, dressed as the rider for the re-enactment shakes hands with an unidentified man in front of the church located on 3rd Avenue.

6. Re-enactment of Methodist Circuit Rider, Hinton, W. Va.

Parker, center, prepared for the re-enactment of the Methodist preacher circuit rider next to the church located on Third Avenue. Other subjects unidentified.

7. Moorman Parker Dressed as Circuit Rider, Hinton, W. Va.

Two young boys on bicycles watch Moorman Parker perform the re-enactment on a horse in front of the First Methodist Church building located on the corner of Ballengee Street and Third Avenue.

8. Re-enactment of Methodist Preacher Circuit Rider, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of spectators watch as Parker re-enacts the circuit rider next to the First Methodist Church building located on the corner of Ballengee Street and Third Avenue.

9. Moorman Parker Re-enacting Methodist Preacher Circuit Rider, Hinton, W. Va.

Moorman Parker sits on top of a horse to perform the re-enactment in front of the First Methodist church building located on the corner of Ballengee Street and Third Avenue. Other subjects and spectators unidentified.

10. Re-enactment of Methodist Preacher Circuit Rider, Hinton, W. Va.

Two unidentified men pose by the intersection of Ballengee Street and 3rd Avenue.

11. Two Men Pose Next to Automobile on 3rd Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Inside the store located on the corner of 3rd Avenue, between Ballengee and Temple streets. Employees behind the counter are identified, from left to right, as Lorene Jones, an unidentified man, Mary Eades, and Maycle Scott who is the mother of Jack Scott.

12. A & P Store, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man sits behind the wheel of an automobile advertising the store located on Temple Street and 3rd Avenue.

13. Rose's Drug Store Truck, Hinton, W. Va.

Street view of the building located on the corner of Temple Street and 3rd Avenue. The building burned in 1983 and is now Towne Square.

14. Rose's Drug Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Sign above the bar reads, "Union Liquor Co., J. A. Watkins, proprietor." The store was located on the lower portion of 3rd Avenue. Seven unidentified man pose in front of the entrance.

15. Union Liquor Co. Building on Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man sits in his automobile between Ballengee and Temple Streets.

16. Driving on Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

The unidentified man and unidentified woman are pictured on the sidewalk.

17. An Unidentified Couple Pose on Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Rose's Drug Store pictured on the left.

18. Corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Looking down at the street which stretches to the mountain opposite the photographer.

19. View of Third Avenue from Hilltop, Hinton, W. Va.

Two unidentified children are pictured on the sidewalk of a relatively empty street. To the right is the Big 4 Building. Down the street is the intersection with TempleStreet.

20. View down 3rd Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

An old automobile decorated with American flags is pictured at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Temple Street.

21. Likely Armistice Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

A woman and her children stand outside of the building beside three men. The building is located on Third Avenue. A sign on the entrance-way advertises Fels-Naptha soap. Subjects unidentified.

22. Group Outside of Plumley Store Entrance, Hinton, W. Va.

The Big 4 Building towers over the street scattered with automobiles.

23. Early 20th Century Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Cars are parked in front of the Western Union building. A meat market is pictured on the left.

24. View Looking down Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of grocer employees pose inside the first ever Kroger inside of Hinton, located on 3rd Avenue. Later, this store turned into the Bowlings Dairy Bar. Subjects unidentified.

25. First Kroger Store in Hinton, W. Va.

Located at 304 3rd Avenue, Clyde Harford (right) and associates stand outside of the first ever Kroger Grocery & Baking Company store to enter the city. J. E. Garrettson served as the store's manager. The store later became Bowlings Dairy Bar.

26. First Kroger Store in Hinton, W. Va.

From left to right is the Hardware Store, Bell Telephone Business Office, Watt's Studio, and Sutherland Jewelry on 3rd Avenue. The store owners and clerks pose outside of their respective places. Subjects unidentified.

27. Storefronts Decorated with American Flags in Downtown Hinton, W. Va.

Horse connected to a carriage idles in the street. Ascension Episcopal Church pictured to the right of the photo, where Big 4 Building stands today (October 18, 1984).

28. A Lone Horse Stands in Intersection of Temple Street and Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Intersection on the corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street.

29. Scene on Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man is pictured outside the store entrance located on the corner of Front Street and Third Avenue.

30. Union Liqour Company, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of men are pictured outside the building. Subjects unidentified. There appears to be construction underway on the street in front of the bank.

31. National Bank of Summers on the Corner of 3rd Avenue and Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified woman sits on the ledge of the ground floor porch. The site of the pictured home is now where a Methodist Church sits today.

32. James Home on Corner of James Street and Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Smoke billows from the windows of the three-story, brick building originally built to house Rose's Drug Store, Co.

33. Fire at Building on Corners of Temple Street and Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Smoke trails from the destroyed building which was originally built to house Rose's Drug Store, Co.

34. Damage Following Fire at Building on Corner of Temple Street and Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Republican party members campaign for the party and register people to vote on the corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street. Subjects unidentified.

35. Republicans Registering Voters on Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of unidentified men gather for a group photo in the building located on Third Avenue.

36. C. & O. Meeting at Peck Building, Hinton, W. Va.

Meador pictured on 3rd Avenue.

37. Arletta Meador at 18-Years-Old, Hinton, W. Va.

Located on the corner of 3rd Avenue and Ballengee Street, a group of church members pose in front of the building and on the steps. The reverend at the time the picture was taken was Rev. Gates. Subjects unidentified.

38. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Hinton, W. Va.

The church, built in 1897-98, was later moved in its present location on Temple Street and Fifth Avenue in 1907. A ferris wheel sits outside of the building while unidentified subjects gather on the lawn.

39. Episcopal Church on Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.