Search Results

View of the store's entrance located beside Doyle's Market of 3rd Avenue.

13. Fort Pitt Shoe Store, Hinton, W. Va.

View of the store's entrance located on 3rd Avenue.

14. Ball's Sporting Goods Center, Hinton, W. Va.

Street view of the store located on Ballengee Street.

15. A & P Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Shanklin holds two babies in front of a "Shanklin for Sheriff" campaign sign. His store was located on Second Avenue.

16. Norman Shanklin in His Store, Hinton, W. va.

A group of men sit on the deck of what was the first store to be built in Hinton. Located in the Avis section of the cit, the building is now where the Sears Rosebuck parking lot is today.

17. First Store of Hinton, W. Va.

A woman and her children stand outside of the building beside three men. The building is located on Third Avenue. A sign on the entrance-way advertises Fels-Naptha soap. Subjects unidentified.

18. Group Outside of Plumley Store Entrance, Hinton, W. Va.

From left to right is the Hardware Store, Bell Telephone Business Office, Watt's Studio, and Sutherland Jewelry on 3rd Avenue. The store owners and clerks pose outside of their respective places. Subjects unidentified.

19. Storefronts Decorated with American Flags in Downtown Hinton, W. Va.

Parker stands behind the store counter.

20. Pete Parker's Grocery Store, Avis, W. Va.