Search Results
- 030106
- Title:
- John Dean and E. A. Carter, Stonewall Jackson High School
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- 030124
- Title:
- West Virginia Federation of Labor Essay Contest Winner, John Dean, with President Truman
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- 'Federations prize essayist meets President Truman--John Dean, 16, Charleston's Stonewall Jackson high school student who submitted prize-winning composition in the federation's 1947 essay contest, visits President Harry Truman at the White House in company with President E. A. Carter (left) and West Virginia Senator Harley M. Kilgore (right).
- 030125
- Title:
- Winner of Essay Contest and Members of State Federation of Labor
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Back row on the further left: E. A. Carter, President W. Va. State Federation of Labor, second from the right on the back row is John Dean--winner of the Essay contest. Also included State Superintendent of Schools Dr. W. W. Trent, County Superintendent of Schools, Virgil L. Flinn; Principal of Stonewall Jackson High School Professor Horner. Ronald Bowley, David McClure, Dane Bogges and Theodore Smith are runner ups.
- 040697
- Title:
- Mountaineer Mascot, James G. Coughlin Leading Parade Down High Street, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Coughlin was WVU's Mountaineer Mascot during the 1946-1947 school year.
- 042635
- Title:
- U.S. Armory Buildings at Time of Civil War; Harpers Ferry, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Seized by John Brown and later 'successively' held by Federal and Confederate Armies. Caption on back of postcard reads: "Of the many places that were in a constant state of siege during the Civil War, Harper's Ferry suffered most heavily. The Government arsenal and armories located there were destroyed by Federal Troops to prevent their capture by the Confederates. These buildings were erected sometime after the Revolutionary War, and it was there that many of the old flint lock rifles were made that were used in the War of 1812." Published by John Myerly Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)
- 042816
- Title:
- Rock Lake Swimming Pool, Stop 12, St. Albans Line; Charleston, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Published by The A. W. Smith News Agency. See original for correspondence and further information about the Rock Lake swimming pool provided by the postcard. (From postcard collection legacy system.)
- 043714
- Title:
- U. S. Post Office; St. Marys, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- (From postcard collection legacy system.)
- 043716
- Title:
- Pleasants County Court House; St. Marys, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- (From postcard collection legacy system.)
- 044438
- Title:
- Suspension Bridge, Wheeling, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- See original for correspondence. Published by Colourpicture Publication. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)
- 045359
- Title:
- People Waiting to Board Cable Car Traveling Line of Weston to Clarksburg, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- 045648
- Title:
- Bluestone Dam Under Construction, Hinton, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Aerial view of the construction site.
- 049496
- Title:
- Talcott High School Basketball Team Portrait, Talcott, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- In the front row is Joe Sowers; Frankie Martin; Robert E. Via, Jr.; Bill Comer; Eddie Huston.In the second row is Martin loudermilk; Kay Bartgis; Edward "Chubby" Halloran; Bobby "Bo" Joe Gill; Tom Akers.In the third row is Frank "Junior" Buckland; Jim Bragg; Elmer Schaffer; Benny Dillon.The coach (unpictured) is "Buck" Porterfield.