Search Results

'Mr. Casto of Given, W. Va. hauling eggs and live poultry to Evans where buyers purchase the same and load in car for shipment to Ravenwood.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

1. Hauling Eggs and Live Poultry, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Mr. J. C. Gardner of Given, R.F.D. with a load of poultry and eggs at Evans.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

2. Transporting Poultry and Eggs, Jackson County, W. Va.

'A Country merchant with a load of poultry and eggs hauled several miles in the hot sun over rough country roads.'  From photo album labeled, 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.' Wording on umbrella says 'H. E. Beegle Wholesale Shipper of Country Produce, Ravenswood, W. Va.'

3. Country Merchant, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Eggs and poultry from Lockhart and Wiseburg. These products are hauled 7 miles to the railroad and then shipped 10 miles to the produce dealer.'  From photo album labeled, 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

4. Transporting Poultry and Eggs, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Loading coops of chickens on wagon preparatory to hauling the car for shipment to Pittsburgh.'  From photo album labeled, 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

5. Loading Coops of Chickens onto a J. A. Fling Transfer Wagon, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Hauling a load of candled eggs from the produce house to the refrigerator car to be loaded for shipment to Pittsburgh.'  From photo album labeled, 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

6. Transporting Candled Eggs, Jackson County, W. Va.

'A load of chickens. One week's shipment of one produce dealer in Ravenwood. Week ending July 18.'  From photo album labeled, 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.' Horse Drawn J. A. Fling Wagon.

7. Load of Chickens, Jackson County, W. Va.