Search Results

Martin pictured in front of the farm house.

37. Jargo Martin at Carlene Keaton's Farm on River Ridge near Hinton, W. Va.

Older woman is Lottie May Lindsay. Her brother, James, is holding their baby sister, Rose. Standing in the back are friends Alfie Ratcliff and Benny Cook.

38. Young Men and Women Posing on Leatherwood Road, Summers County, W. Va.

Workers pictured in the background at the construction site.

39. Bridge Under Construction on C. & O. Railroad, Lowell, W. Va.

The home the two are pictured at overlooks New River and the C. & O. Railroad Yard.

40. Sarah Pauline Alley Holding Pat Smith Gore Outside of Alley Home, Hinton, W. Va.

James Henry Green Sr. received his AA diploma from Storer College in 1943, and he graduated from Storer College with his B.A. degree in 1946. He married Cecelia Isabella (Green) who attended Storer College for her Secondary School education.

41. Storer College Graduate, James Henry Green Sr.

An unidentified girl places a finished toy product onto a table of toys.

42. Toy Making Class at a Leader's Camp in an Unidentified Location

Women design hats and bags during their time at the camp.

43. Craft Class at Volunteer Leaders 4-H Camp

A group of unidentified girls dressed in wool pose for a picture together.

44. Wool Dress Group at Girls' 4-H Camp in Unidentified Location

View overlooking the amphitheater and lawn at the State 4-H Campsite.

45. Amphitheater at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Eleven miners are pictured outside of a mine entrance.

46. Koppers Coal Division Helen Plant No. 11 Mine, Stotesbury, W. Va.