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The photo was taken at Mt. Wood Cemetery in Wheeling honoring S. P. Hullihen, M.D., D.D.S. (father of Oral Surgery in U. S. ): some attendees in the picture are identified as follows 1) C. Baxter Morris, D.D.S. President W. Va. State Dental Society 2) G. B. Writes, D.D.S., Pres. American Dental Assoc. 3)Edward P.  Armbrecht, D.D.S. Chairman Hullihen Day Celebration, City of Wheeling 4)F. N. Carroll, D.D.S., Pres. Wheeling district Dental Society 5)W. D. Giesler, D.D.S., Member of  Wheeling District Dental Society.

1. Ceremony Honoring S. P. Hullihen , M.D. , D. D. S., Wheeling, W. Va.

Kneeling in the front row, from left to right, is PFC Meihold; Private Grewohl; PFC Dunning; and Private Hayes.Standing in the back, from left to right, is Corporal Pop Winn Coxswain; PFC Rottier; Private Hill; CPL Marquez; Private Davis; Private McIntyre; PFC Shumacher; and 1st Lieutenant Davis.

2. U.S.S. West Virginia Marine Whale Boat Crew