Search Results

The "Improved Order of Red Men" are pictured in the forefront of the photograph wearing sashes. The pastor of this church was J. W. Legg.

145. Improved Order of Red Men at Laural Grove Baptist Church, Livley, W. Va.

Men and women sit outside store entrances on benches and in parked automobiles. Subjects unidentified.

146. Main Street, Oak Hill, W. Va.

Devil's Den, Gettysburg, PA.Left to right:Back row: Dr. Myron Reppard, George Baker (served in Civil War), Pearl Reppard.Front Row: George Reppard, Ede Long, Ried Pierpoint

147. George Baker at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa.

Members of the Boys and Girls Club holding hands in circle outside of house.

148. Boys and Girls Club Activities, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Brothers Homer and Delbert were the winners of an award for best yield acre of corn.

149. Homer and Delbert Jones

150. Man With Horse-Drawn Plow Breaking Ground for Potato Crop, Kanawha County, W. Va.

151. Boys and Girls Club, Kanawha County, W. Va.

W. A. Lawson using horse-drawn plow.

152. W. A. Lawson, Kanawha County W. Va.

"Marshall Grocery agreed to take all strawberries."

153. Strawberry Fields, Kanawha County W. Va.

Boys and girls club recreational activities.  A boy on the left is performing a high jump over a rope.

154. Boys and Girls Club Meeting. Kanawha County, W. Va.

Boys and Girls Club recreational activities.

155. Boys and Girls Club Meeting, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Drainage stakes set for the draining demonstration.

156. C. C. Dickinson Farm. Kanawha County, W. Va.