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13. Altered Photo of Engineering, Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering Buildings, West Virginia University

View of the Agricultural Engineering Building, Agricultural Sciences Building, Forestry Building, the dormitories and the Engineering Building under construction.

14. Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

From top to bottom you can see the Agricultural Engineering Building, Agricultural Sciences Building, and the Engineering Building under construction.

15. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus Under Construction, West Virginia University

'West Virginia University's Evansdale Campus -- one of the three Morgantown campuses -- sprawls from the banks of the Monongahela River almost to the Medical Center. Buildings shown (from river to foreground) are the Coliseum (under construction,) the Creative Arts Center, the Engineering Sciences Center and the Agricultural Sciences Building.'

16. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

'Towers Dormitory and Forestry Building under construction, Agricultural Sciences Building, Engineering Building, and Agricultural Engineering Building.'

17. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University