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Dwight Bentel, president of the American Society of Journalism School Administrators and head of the Department of Journalism, San Jose State College, San Jose, California.; Day Edgar, assistant to the editor of the Saturday Evening Post, Philadelphia; and Dr. P.I. Reed, chairman of the Committee of Awards of ASJSA and director of the School of Journalism of West Virginia University. The occasion is the presentation of the Fifth annual citation of ASJSA to the Saturday Evening Post in recognition of its services to public thinking, its services to easy of reading, and its technical aids to schools of journalism. This presentation took place at a luncheon in Van Hise Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, on Monday, August 28, 1950, in connection with a joint meeting of ASJSA, of AASDJ, and of AATJ.'

13. P. I. Reed at the American Society of Journalism School Adminstrators Meeting

'Receives Newspaper Award--James Russell Wiggins (right), vice-president and managing editor of the Washington Post and Times-Herald, is shown receiving the ninth annual citation of the Association for Education in Journalism in behalf of the newspaper. The presentation was by Professor J. Douglas Perry of Temple University. Dr. P.I. Reed of the University of West Virginia is in the center. The association`s annual meeting is under way here.'

14. P. I. Reed at the Association for Education in Journalism Meeting

'P. G. Helicopter Takes College Head Aloft. The Post-Gazette`s helicopter on an experimental trip to Morgantown, W. Va., gave Dr. Irvin Stewart, president of the University of West Virginia, a trip over campus Wednesday. Here Dr. Stewart (left) is being congratulated by Dr. P. I. Reed, head of the college`s Journalism department, after the flight. The helicopter made an easy landing in the college stadium to the delight of 250 students.  The helicopter will be used by the Post-Gazette news staff to cover stories in the Tri-State area.'

15. P. I. Reed Congratulates Dr. Irvin Stewart after a Helicopter Flight

'H. T. Meek, news editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Professor George Simmons, president of the American Society  of Journalism School Administrators and Head of the department of Journalism, Tulane University, New Orleans; and Dr. P.I. Reed, chairman of the Committee of Awards of A.S.J.S.A and director of the School of Journalism of West Virginia University. President Simmons looks on as Dr. P. I. Reed presents to Mr. Meek a scroll containing a citation for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in recognition of its objective criticism of governmental officialdom and the high standards of newspaper practice that it has maintained for nearly three-quarters of a century. The presentation took place at a luncheon in Pioneer Hall of the University of Minnesota on August 31, 1949, in connection with a joint meeting of A.S.J.S.A, A.A.T.J., and A.A.S.D.J.'

16. P. I. Reed at the American Society of Journalism School Adminstrators Meeting

17. P. I. Reed and James R. Young Looking at Exhibit, West Virginia University

Group of Journalism Students at Supper at Graegstan, Sunday, May 9, 1943. "Second from right, back, Perley Isaac Reed, Mrs. Reed (Elizabeth Frost), far left front row standing."

18. Seniors at Supper at Graegstan, West Virginia University

Senior Supper at Graegstan, students from the Journalism School at West Virginia University, Sunday, April 30, 1944. Front row, far left - Perley Isaac Reed, Mrs. Reed.

19. Senior Supper at Graegstan, West Virginia University