Search Results

View from across the pond of the farmhouse and grounds near War Ridge.

1177. Shumate Farm, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Looking at the farmhouse and grounds located near War Ridge.

1178. View of Shumate Farm from the Dirt Path, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Lillian and Gladys Shumate pictured on the farm grounds.

1179. Shumate Women Pose Beside Farm Machinery, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Mark sits on the machine as he makes his way down the farm field.

1180. Mark Shumate Working Hay Machine on Shumate Farm, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Luther, Glenna, and Gladys Shumate sit on a bench outside of their home.

1181. Shumate Family at Their Farm, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Uncle Charley and Aunt Eva pictured in front of the home's porch where three rocking chairs sit idly.

1182. Shumate Relatives by Porch of Shumate Farmhouse, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Sheiler poses in a white dress and wears a large bow in her hair.

1183. Henrietta Sheiler of Forest Hill District, Summers County, W. Va.

Sieber sits behind a desk at the telegraph office.

1184. Telegraph Operator Carl Sieber, Hinton, W. Va.

Trail poses on the sidewalk beside the bushes.

1185. Tommy Smith Trail on Upland Cemetery Road near Hinton, W. va.

Springstein works with clay and a potter's wheel inside the store located in Forest Hill District.

1186. Marsha Springstein Working Inside Wake Robin Craft Store, Summers County, W. Va.

Looking at the entrance of the church building located in Forest Hill District outside of Hinton, W. Va.

1187. Spruce Run Chapel, Summers County, W. Va.

A group of men work on the fields while women observe from the sidelines.

1188. Bessie Pack and Family Farm, Streeter, W. Va.