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Marker indicates location of a Civil War battle between Confederate General Jubal Early and Federal General Philip Sheridan, 1864/08/21

1. Confederate Marker at Locust Hill, Jefferson County, W. Va.

House of John Packette during the Civil War, the structure was in the thick of a battle between the armies of Confederate General Jubal Early and Federal General Philip Sheridan, 1864/08/21, as seen by the several holes in its exterior from shot and shells.

2. Civil War Wounds on Back of House at Locust Hill, Jefferson County, W. VA.

Close-up look at the damage to the house at Locust Hill, inflicted during a  battle between the armies of Confederate General Jubal Early and Federal General Philip Sheridan, 1864/08/21

3. Civil War Wounds on Back of House at Locust Hill, Jefferson County, W. VA.