Search Results

"The Three Faires" and "Alton Villa"

1. Portrait of Zan Gibson of Charles Town, W. Va.; Agnes Bury of Montreal, Canada; Georgia Bube, Monticello, N. Y.

Pictured: Edgar Bury, Lillian Mc Shane, Zan Gibson, Agnes Bury, W. Bury and Edmund Bury; taken at 84 University St., Montreal

2. Group Portrait of Young Women and Men Posing on Ladders

Four young women and a boy in costume. The two women standing are possibly Ann and Zan Gibson.

3. 'Two Old Fashion Girls, The Lovers and The Page'

Pictured: Zan Gibson, W. Bury, Edmund Bury, Edgar Bury and Agnes Bury; taken at 84 University St., Montreal

4. Group Portrait of Three Young Women and Two Men

Possibly taken at Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

5. Group Protrait of Men and Women Including Zan Gibson of Charles Town, W. Va.

Annie Jones is singing, Zan Gibson is playing the piano. Prize won for photography listed on back of the photograph: "Moscow, Berlin, Calcutta, American Photography, 1901"

6. Evening Hymn Featuring Annie Jones of Zanesville, Ohio and Zan Gibson of Charles Town, W. Va.