Search Results

1681. Replanted Strip Mine Area, Barbour County, W. Va.

Group portrait of Whitesville Post 75 baseball team.

1682. Whitesville Post 75 Baseball Team, Boone County, W. Va.

Interior of the Hardy County Public Library in Moorefield. This is one of six libraries in the United States to win the 1966 Book-of-the-Month Club Award. 'Bishoff's Studio and Camera Center, Moorefield, W. Va.'

1683. Interior of the Hardy County Public Library, Hardy County, W. Va.

Man stands next to a memorial stone. The stone reads '1858-1922, Here stood a famous hostelry affectionately known as The Old White, once the pride of the Old Dominion, whose gracious hospitality, beautiful surroundings and healing waters gained national renown and made it the object of many a pilgrimage. Here gathered from the North and South great generals, famous statesmen and reigning belles 'who left upon the silent shore of memory images and precious thoughts that shall not die, and cannot be destroyed'. Erected by its successor The Greenbrier, 1940.'

1684. Old White Memorial Stone at the Greenbrier Hotel, Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

Three workers are excavating the contents of Indian Mound in the Kanawha Valley, West Virginia.

1685. Contents of Indian Mound, Kanawha County, W. Va.

'Charleston, West Virginia--$100 ham and bacon will be served at the Pioneer Breakfast on Statehood Day, June 20th, at the Rose City Cafeteria on Lee Street in Charleston. The State of West Virginia will be 100 years old on June 20th and the Centennial Commission hopes all citizens sharing the same birth date will join in the festivities planned for the breakfast. A full course breakfast will be served from 7 til 9 a.m. and there will be entertainment and prizes for the guests. Committee in charge includes, reading left to right, Bob Phillips and Juanita McCollam, co-chairmen of the event; Adj. General Gene Hall Williams and Grover Waybright, Jr. Both Mrs. McCollam and Adj. General Williams celebrate their birthdays on June 20th. Reservations may be made, or tickets for $1.00 purchased, from the Centennial Commission, 1608 Kanawha Boulevard, E. Charleston, West Virginia.'

1686. Pioneer Breakfast, Charleston, W. Va.

1687. Aerial View of Construction on Interstate 79 near Jane Lew, Lewis County, W. Va.

1688. Aerial View of Construction on Interstate 79 near Jane Lew, Lewis County, W. Va.

1689. Engineers at Work on I-79 near Jane Lew in Lewis County, W. Va.

1690. Mannington High School Band, Marion County, W. Va.

1691. Interstate 79 Construction, Marion County, W. Va.

1692. 140 Foot Telescope, Green Bank, Pocahontas County, W. Va.