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Senator Edward Kennedy visits W. Va. for opening of Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center, shown here is the senator in front of a dedication plaque.

1. Senator Edward Kennedy at Opening of Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center, Morgantown, W. Va.

2. Governor Cecil Underwood Visits West Virginia University

3. Author Jean Hollet Speaks at West Virginia University

Author Jean Hollet surrounded with students who want his autograph at a book signing event.

4. Author Jean Hollet at a Book Signing Event at West Virginia University

Buchwald with a cigar in his hand.

5. Columnist Art Buchwald Visits West Virginia University

Chet Huntley, Ex-NBC Newscaster, with student John Esposito.

6. Chet Huntley Visits West Virginia University

7. Comedian and Anti-War Activist Dick Gregory at West Virginia University