Search Results

61. Ice Jam on Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

62. Ice Jam on Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

"Uncle Dave Green worked here."

63. Man Stands In Railroad Machine Shop, One Mile South of Foxburg, Pa.

George Green, in uniform, worked at Foxburg Bank.

64. Thomas Benton Green and Mary Rupert in 1916 Ford, George Green Stands Besides Car, Foxburg, Pa.

65. Telegrapher at Early Railroad Station, Pa.

66. Steam Derricks Working on Railroad Bridge, Foxburg, Pa.

67. Hive No. 41, Foxburg, Pa.

68. Fox Mansion, Foxburg, Pa.

Likely with the Foxburg Band.

69. Ray and John Green With Their Instruments, Foxburg, Pa.

Plate envelope titled "Lilies".

70. Mary Rupert Green in J.E. Green's Yard and Garden, Foxburg, Pa.

Photographers note: "Fun for all, old veterans reunion."

71. Tug of War at Grand Army of the Republic Reunion, Foxburg, Pa.

Dedicated in June of 1912.

72. M.E. Church, Foxburg, Pa.