Search Results

Pictured left to right; Mrs. J.D. Everly (president), Mrs. Wilhelm (vice president), Mrs. C. P. Wilhelm and Mrs. Bower (treasurer).

1. Women's Club Officers, Preston County, W. Va.

2. Senator Lambert, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Max Buric, President of Kingwood Bank.

3. Prize Steer and Owner with Max Buric at the Buckwheat Festival, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Mrs. J.W. Ruby, Mrs. J.D. Everly, Mrs. Harved Watson, Mrs. W.M. Huff and Mrs. Delmas, picture possibly taken at Kingwood Inn.

4. Women's Group at the Kingwood Inn, Preston County, W. Va.

5. Kingwood Stage Chapter National Honor Society, Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified men.

6. Officials in Charge of Starting Mountaintop Vacationland, Terra Alta, Preston County. W. Va.

Two unidentified women with a sign that reads; "Sabin Oral Sundays, Oct. 6th, Nov. 10th, Dec. 15th.  Time:2:00-4:00p.m.  Eleven locations, your nearest community building.  Sponsored by; Preston County Medical Society and Preston County National Foundation."

7. Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine Sundays, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; Richard Hurt, Albie Cross, Howard Spory (foreman), and Kenneth VonMeler.  All college students working this past summer as a change out crew.  They changed out manual sets to new dial sets.

8. Change Out Crew, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; A.J. Anderson (Preston County Coop. ext. agent), Mr. and Mrs. David Stemple and Aurora L. Bush Swisher (FBI project director).

9. Anderson, A. J. with Mr. and Mrs. David Stemple and Aurora Swisher, Preston County, W. Va.

Four unidentified women pose with the food.

10. Kingwood Hospital Auxillary Smorgasboard, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Standing, left is J. W. Ruby, the founder of Ruby Sterling Farms. The others are not identified.

11. Horse Show Officials at Ruby Sterling Farm, Reedsville, Preston County, W. Va.

12. Fire Departments From Brookhaven and Westover Respond to a Call, Monongalia County, W. Va.