Search Results

Name inscribed on the photograph encasing, "Anna Belle Graham".

121. Class of 1941, Martinsburg High School, Martinsburg, W. Va.

Unidentified subjects include several musicians holding instruments and a baby sitting in a carriage.

122. Portrait of Church Group, West Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Group portrait of African American sailors, most from southwestern Pennsylvania. The only person identified is instructor, L. S. Hurst C.SP.

123. 53 Graduating Class St M .2, NTS, Norfolk, Va.

Transcribed on back "White building, Blacksville Grade School. Later Gyme, Voag room, shop, torn down".

124. Blacksville Grade School, Blacksville, W. Va.

Transcribed on back of photo "Red brick school house built circa 1914-1916 Blacksville, West Virginia. This building housed the grade school and Blacksville High School".

125. Red Brick School House, Blacksville, W. Va.

Possibly Jess and Lizzie Burnfield's home near Blacksville, West Virginia

126. Log Home, Core, W. Va.

Possibly Jess and Lizzie Burnfield's log house.

127. Log Home Near Core, W. Va.

Blacksville or Core, West Virginia.

128. Jess and Lizzie Burnfield's Old Log House; Monongalia County, W. Va.

129. Ralph Berry and Louge Tennant, Core, W. Va.

Front row: Stella Tennant McBlume, Wilhert Ammons. Back row: Burt Tennant, Jessie, Hazel Eddy Berry, Earl (Buster) Tennant, Ethel Eddy Tennant, Louge Tennant, Belle.

130. Tennant Family, Core, W. Va.

131. Louge and Ethel Eddy Tennant, Core, W. Va.

Cole is most likely wearing an army uniform

132. Leo Cole, Core, W. Va.