Search Results

Most likely, John S. Jackson, store manager and postmaster standing on the porch.

1. Paw Paw Supply Company, Baxter W. Va.

2. Company Store, Stafford (Baxter)

3. Miners and Mules, Junior, Randolph County, W. Va.

4. Miners with Horse Drawn Carts Near Junior, W. Va., Randolph County

Anton Romisch, second from left standing. Workers pose for photograph. Many of the workers holding tools.

5. Romisch Foundry Workers, Morgantown, W. Va.

Class portrait of children outside of Seneca Elementary School.  Identified in the back row is Ruth Lenhart Smith.

6. Seneca Elementary School, Morgantown, W. Va.

Identified in the second row is Ruth Lenhart Smith.

7. Class Photo Seneca Elementary School, Morgantown, W.Va.

8. Portrait of a Couple, Claude, Barbour County, W. Va.

View of the unveiling of the Confederate Monument at Valley Mountain near the Marshall Farm at Mingo Flats.  The occasion recognized General Robert E. Lee's nearby 1861 campsite and the Confederate dead of the areas.  Present for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Wamsley, Zano Simmons, Jake G. Simmons, Ellen B. McDonald, Reverand William E. Hudson, M. Hart Wamsley, Joe See, James Ware, Mary Crouch, and George Fisher.

9. Confederate Monument, Mingo Flats, Randolph County, W. Va.

View of the U.S. Dipper Dredge 'Beaver' which was built by McClintic-Marshall Corporation at Leetsdale, Pennsylvania.

10. U.S. Dipper Dredge 'Beaver'

Among other services, the garage also does lawn mower grinding.

11. D. H. Mikel's Garage, Short Creek, Brooke County, W. Va.

A woman in a garden.  'Mammie.'

12. African-American Woman