Search Results

Rene Henry standing behind Lady Margaret Thatcher at William & Mary.

1. Rene Henry and Margaret Thatcher

L-R: Betty Barrett, Edgar Barrett, Rod Hundley, Kim Reardon, Rene A. Henry and Joey Gardner.

2. Rene Henry at the retiring of Rod Hundley's Jersey number

Left to right: Rene Henry, Rod Hundley, Bob Huggins, and Joey Gardner.

3. Rene Henry at the retiring of Rod Hundley's Jersey number

4. Joedy Gardner and Jerry West

Rene Henry at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.

5. Rene Henry at Republican National Convention

Rene Henry with Nemo Nearman (R) and son (L) at the retiring of Rod Hundley's jersey number.

6. Rene Henry at the retiring of Rod Hundley's Jersey number

Left to Right:  Pete White, Joe White, Rene Henry, Fred Wyant.

7. Rene Henry at a Meeting

WVU broadcaster Jack Fleming(right) and sidekick at the Mountaineer Field athletic offices.

8. Jack Fleming

Fred Wyant (WVU QB), Art Lewis (Head Coach), and Bruce Bosley (WVU-T)

9. Fred Wyant and Art Lewis

Rod Hundley sitting with his many sports clippings and frames.

10. Rod Hundley

Rene A. Henry (left) assists Hall of Fame football coach Earl Blaik (right) register for the 1st President's Conference on Physical Fitness & Sports.

11. Rene Henry and Earl Blaik at President's Conference

Rene Henry jokingly shows Jerry West (44 jersey), Rod Hundley (33 jersey), and Pat Riley (3 jersey) how to shoot a three pointer for a film shoot.

12. Rene Henry, Jerry West, Rod Hundley, and Pat Riley filming