Search Results

The Loving Furniture store front receiving maintenance.

1. Loving Furniture

The entrance to Kiwanis Field in Morgantown, WV.

2. Kiwanis Field

Frank Debiase, sitting at the center, surrounded by the Boy Scouts of Morgantown.

3. Frank Debiase and the Morgantown Boy Scouts

Sam Angotti drives several unidentified men in his vintage automobile.

4. Sam Angotti

Police officers investigating a recent car wreck in front of onlookers.

5. Officers Investigating a Car Wreck

6. Morgantown baseball team

7. Morgantown baseball team

Morgantown baseball team.

8. Morgantown baseball team

Morgantown baseball team.

9. Morgantown baseball team

Morgantown baseball team.

10. Morgantown baseball team

Morgantown baseball team.

11. Morgantown baseball team

The 'American Cleaners" baseball team in Morgantown, West Virginia.

12. American Cleaners baseball team