Search Results

Milton Cohen (third from left) and others presenting Project 63, a celebration of West Virginia's centennial.

1. Milton Cohen and Project 63

To celebrate the Centennial of West Virginia, one dollar name plates were created and advertised to the state.

2. Project 63 Centennial Plates

The 1963 Little League Ward Champs taking a picture at Kiwanis Field.

3. The 1st Ward Champs

A photo of the 1963 Rotary Club Little League baseball team.

4. "Rotary" Little League baseball team

A photo of the 1963 Lions Little League baseball team.

5. Lions Little League baseball team

A photo of the 1963 Lovings First Ward Little League baseball team. Named individuals in the photo include Dick Pill (coach) and David Pill (player, seated).

6. Lovings First Ward Little League baseball team

A photo of the 1963 "Knights of Columbus" Little League baseball team.

7. "Knights of Columbus" Little League baseball team

8. I.O.O.F Little League "B" baseball team

9. Coach Bob Prim with the First National Bank Little League baseball team

10. F&M Bank Little League baseball team

11. Coach George Pietro and the Browns Essos

The team is standing at Kiwanis Field.

12. Wilson Chevrolet Little League baseball team