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View of University Library during band concert.

25. Band Concert in front of Wise Library, West Virginia University

WVU Cadet Band, organized April 4, 1901.  T. Getz Hill, Chief Musician and Piccolo; J. V. Cook, Drum Major; J. Fred Stone, E Flat Clarinet; A. E. Crago, 1 B Flat Clarinet; S.A. Smith, 2 B Flat Clarinet; Kline H. Graham, 3 B Flat Clarinet; J. W. Humble, E Flat Cornet; A. P. Freed, Solo B Flat Cornet; H. H. Keener, Solo B Flat Cornet; D. B. Burns, 1 B Flat Cornet; H. R. Muldoon, 2 B Flat Cornet; P. H. Martin, 3 B Flat Cornet; Carroll Martin, Solo Alto; A. R. Bloom, 1st Alto; F. W. Muldoon, 2nd Alto ; G. H. Bayles, 1st Tenor; G. C. Winans, 2nd Trombone; G. C. Rhoades, 3rd Trombone; G. E. Graham, B Flat Baritone; W.J. Ruble, Tuba.

26. Corps of Cadets Band, West Virginia University

27. Band Concert in front of Wise Library, West Virginia University

28. Band Practice in the Music School (Eiesland Hall) Auditorium, West Virginia University

29. Percussion Section of WVU Concert Band, West Virginia University

John Condry of Clarksburg, Don Soissons of Connellsville, Charles Sameth, Dave Evans of Wheeling, Bill Hart.  Morgantown, WVU Band Students.

30. Chas. Sameth Orchestra, West Virginia University

Front Center: Captain Eaton, Commandant, and Walter Mestrezat, Director.

31. Corps of Cadets Band in Front of the Armory, West Virginia University

32. ROTC Band, West Virginia University

33. ROTC Band Marches in Armed Forces Day Parade, West Virginia University

1st Row: J.F. Simon, J.A. Halley, K.M. Gamble, R.L. Higgins, Bandmaster, R.B. Dail, Advisor; 2nd Row: R.L. Pethal, J. R. Dalton, S.J. Abersold, M.G. Nixon 3rd Row: D.N. Desrosiers, J.O. Hall, J.A. McLean, L.G. Kopelman; 4th Row: J.H. Quagliotti, W.H. Welliver, A.C. Scudiere, J.M. Potter; 5th Row: J.N. Parkinson, R.T. Kleinkauf, L.O. Ford.

34. Army ROTC Band, West Virginia University

35. ROTC Band and Cadets on the Athletic Field, West Virginia University

Cadets and the band perform regimen in front of Armory.

36. Corps of Cadets Muster in front of the Armory, West Virginia University